Three Dimensional Movement
GYROKINESIS® exercise is an energetic movement practice created by Juliu Horvarth in the late 70's. The GYROKINESIS® Method is taught in 70 countries with 10,000 instructors worldwide.
In a GYROKINESIS® exercise class, you will move 360 degrees around the spine, through arch & curls, spirals, side bending, circles and wave patterns. The first sequence is seated on a stool, followed by a more challenging and mobilising floor sequence, and then a standing aerobic sequence. Why the stool? One of the aims of GYROKINESIS® is to move the pelvis around the legs, freeing up the hips and stimulating the belly, lumbar plexus and femoral arteries. This is much easier seated on a stool. ‘Easy Pose’ on the floor, isn’t always so easy for everyone.
Functionally, GYROKINESIS® creates space in the spine, hips and shoulders, reducing restrictions and increasing axial core and back strength. The focus is on synergising the movement with your breath, stimulating the respiratory and vascular systems, supporting cardio and pulmonary fitness. The nervous system is both energised and calmed by increased circulation. Energetically, GYROKINESIS® activates energy from the base of the spine, ‘the seed center’ spiralling upwards through the central channel of the spine to the crown of the head, awakening a deeper sense of self, grounded between heaven and earth, assisting to calm our nervous systems.
Wednesday 8.00-9.15am
Free up the your spine & hips. Enjoy the articulation and flow of the Arch & Curl, Spiral, Side Bends, Circles & Waves, with the support of the stool, giving more ease of movement for the hips and lower back.
New Class TBA
Lotus Blossom is an athletic floor sequence that focuses on mobilising the hips, whilst integrating spine and shoulder movements. This is great class for anyone who works at a desk all day.
Saturday 8.00-10.00am
A two hour class to explore the principles of GYROKINESIS®; connecting breath to movement, decompressing and moving the spine for greater axial alignment. Gaining deeper awareness of your internal and external body. Energising, Strengthening and calming.
2 HOUR CLASS $40.00
Upcoming dates 27/07, 10/08 ...
Rejuvenate with the 'Metamorphosis' Breathwork program.
GYROKINESIS® Creator Juliu Horvarth
The GYROKINESIS® Method was created by Romanian-born Hungarian, Juliu Horvarth and is the foundational work for the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®. Juliu was born in 1942 and as a child he excelled at swimming, gymnastics and rowing, and started dance later in life at 19. By the age of 21, he was the principal dancer for the Romanian Ballet Company. In 1970, whilst on company tour, he defected from Romania, and lived in a refugee camp in Italy, before receiving asylum in the US. He moved to New York, taking many jobs before securing the position of principal dancer for the Houston Ballet.
Whilst at the Houston Ballet, he ruptured his Achilles tendon, bringing his dance career to a sudden halt. Juliu moved back to NY, and began regular Yoga practice. As he got deeper into his movement and meditation practices, he began having profound energetic experiences. In an effort to learn more about these experiences, he moved to the island of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands in 1977, and spent the next six years studying yoga and meditation. During this time he gained new insights into movement and healing, and from these insights he began to create his own unique exercise method. He returned to NY to teach his new system, called 'Yoga for Dancers', but as the diversity of his students increased, he created a new class format suitable to the everyday person. Still today, Juliu continues to create new programming that focusses on harnessing the power of breath to expand the mind, and improve movement quality.