Owner & Principal Teacher
I grew up in Coolum in the 80's, dancing in front of the TV, annoying my brother. I loved to dance and choreograph, and spent a lot of outside school hours at dance class. At 8, I was diagnosed with a bone disease in my knee, and at 18 diagnosed with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder, which made dance as a career much more challenging. I did commercial dance in the early 90's, but after my knee 'blew out', I moved into film and television production. But despite time away from dance, I always have a longing to return to it. In 2000, I left my job at Fox Studios in Sydney to finally get a chance to study dance at University. It was a Bachelor of Arts Dance / Bachelor of Education, four wonderful years immersing myself in dance and performance art, with many leading independent choreographers & teachers; Bill Pengelly, Patrick Harding-Irmer, Sue Healey, Dean Walsh, Latai Taumoepeau. I also loved working with my fellow dancers at the NAISDA Dance College. I am a Ngarigo women by ancestry, and loved to learn more about our country's original culture that was sadly never handed down through the generations.
I started Pilates when I moved to Sydney in 2000. My first Pilates teacher was Alan Menezes, who introduced Pilates to Australia in 1986. I had to stop classes when I became a student, but Alan arranged for me to clean the studio in exchange for classes. When my knee subluxed mid Pilates class, he took me under his wing to make me stronger and avoid knee surgery. Pilates 'teacher training' was more informal in those days, and I started a Intensive Traineeship with Alan. I danced stronger in my second year, the differences were measured in my grades. It was quite remarkable.
Towards the end of my degree, I was hungry to know more about Pilates and took on Polestar Pilates' formal training, which later became the Diploma of Pilates Instruction. Polestar Australia was still a small team in 2004, and I was fortunate to work closely with experienced and insightful Educators/ Physiotherapists. I became part of the Polestar Mentor team to assist others in their teacher training path. When I moved to Queensland, I worked as an Assistant Educator for Polestar Education, and assisted them to move their teacher trainings into Queensland.
My husband and I moved back to Coolum in 2006. There were very few Pilates studios here, and I worked at two Physiotherapist practices building their Pilates practices. Pilates & Movement grew from one of these Physiotherapy practices. It has always been my goal to assist people to understand their body better, to be free from judgement, and to provide a supportive environment to share and talk all things body and mind. I am an anatomy nerd, a movement nerd, and a natural born teacher. Through 22 years of teaching dance & Pilates, and navigating the difficulties in my own body through HSD, I can say I am particularly skilled in my cueing and teaching ability to communicate how the body moves. I am an excellent 'technician' of movement, and have a fine eye for detail.
I still return to dance. Maybe I still have one more choreographic piece in me. Some unfinished business. I trained in GYROKINESIS® in 2016, which satisfies my love for fluid movement. Some of the floor work reminds me of Martha Graham dance, which was always my favourite. Through GYROKINESIS®, I have also been opened to more energetic practices, learning a deeper awareness of breathwork and pranayama. I look forward to continuing to enrich my understanding and connection to my body through these practices. I am one of the only certified GYROKINESIS® teachers on the Sunshine Coast, although there are 10,000+ teachers worldwide. I am passionate about the GYROKINESIS® format, subtly combining movement, breath and meditation, into this unique method. With so many enjoying Barre & Yoga classes on the Coast, I am keen to grow people's awareness of GYROKINESIS® and how good it makes you feel. I hope to continue to grow and learn more about the beauty of the human body and to share this with you.
DIPLOMA in Professional Pilates Instruction (91491NSW)
Certificate IV in Pilates Instruction (91121NSW)
Principal Member Pilates Alliance Australasia (10,000+ hours)
Member since 2006
Polestar Education Australia MENTOR & ASSISTANT EDUCATOR
Certified Level 1 Teacher - GYROKINESIS® Method
Apprentice Teacher - GYROTONIC® Expansion System
Module 1 & 2 Scolio-Pilates®
Breath Mastery Fundamentals Dan Brule - O2 Collective
Z-Health Neurofundamentals

Pilates Teacher
Before teaching Pilates, Suzi worked as a Ships Capitan and was in the business of building and sailing boats.
Suzi did her first Pilates class in 2001, and was inspired to delve deeper. Whilst travelling internationally for work, she studied Pilates Matwork with Body Arts & Science in the USA. On her return to Australia, she continued learning more about Pilates and trained with Pilates International in Mat & Studio work.
It wasn't until 2011 that Suzi decided to commit to her interests in Pilates full-time. She continued further study with Polestar Pilates International and trained with Nadine throughout that process. Suzi immediately connected to the Pilates & Movement space and people, and has been an integral member of our studio community ever since.
Suzi is passionate about helping people refine their body mechanics and move from the inside out. Suzi has joined Nadine in working with many of the Coast's leading body workers and medical practitioners to ensure she is always inspired and learning how to better help the people she teaches. She loves to explore all aspects of movement, nutrition and health, enjoying regular Pilates and Yoga classes, as well as still traveling when she can. Suzi loves to create a fun and positive environment for people to share and move towards their goals.
DIPLOMA of Professional Pilates Instruction (91491NSW)
Certificate IV in Pilates Instruction (91121NSW)
Member of Pilates Alliance of Australasia
Member since 2007